Target of the FLLA – support the development of agriculture and rural development in Latvia.
Target can be reached by:
- attraction of financial and other resources;
- management of property and different funds;
- economic activities in accordance with the targets and tasks of the FLAA within the framework of the legislation of Latvia;
- finding out and popularizing the agriculture sector of Latvia and other countries and encouraging the exchange of experiences;
- publishing and organising proper promotional activities and public events;
- performing different short and long term special-purpose programmes and activities inside and outside Latvia;
- organizing camps, contests, trainings, exhibitions, campaigns and other activities;
- establishing and allocating scholarships;
- designing consultative boards, working groups and commissions to support the activities of the foundation;
- development of cooperation with physical and juridical persons, state and municipal institutions, businessmen, non-governmental organisations and facilitating their involvement and
- cooperation, understanding, communication and consolidation in solving issues related to the development of agriculture in Latvia;
- creating activities oriented to a charity, the development of civil society, promotion of education, research and culture, the increase of a welfare, especially for the poor and socially unprotected groups of persons.
Resources of the foundation can be used only to reach the settled targets. The decisions on use of resources are made by the Board of the FLLA.
Foundation is established for non fixed time. Administrative body of the foundation is the Board that consists of three board members who are nominated for three years by the founder.
Statutes include an appointment of the board members and the auditor, introduction of changes, symbolics of the FLLLA and other issues.